Minggu, 14 Desember 2014


I.                   Introductory
Thesis Statement: There are two general ways in which people learn vocabulary, direct approach and indirect approach, and both of them have similarities and differences.

II.                Body
A.    The direct approach and indirect approach are almost equal.
1.      Effective for learning vocabulary

B.     Although the direct and indirect approach are equal, there are big differences in the strategies and the focus.

1.      Strategies in vocabulary learning
a.       Direct approach
b.      Indirect approach

2.      The focused in vocabulary learning
a.       Direct approach
b.      Indirect approach

III.             Conclusion
Direct and indirect approach: different, yet alike. Both of the ways are effective in learning vocabulary. Furthemore, there are big differences in strategies and focus of both ways.


People cannot speak, understand, read or write a foreign language without knowing a lot of words. Vocabulary learning is the heart of mastering a foreign language. There are two general ways in which people learning vocabulary, direct approach and indirect approach, and both of them have similarities and differences.
The direct approach and indirect approach are almost equal. Both of the ways may have different strategies but both of ways will effective for learning process. The ways of vocabulary learning will be chosen by the student and student will choose the ways based on their characteristic and their style in learning.
Although the direct and indirect approach are equal, there are big differences in the strategies and the focus on. The first differences are the strategies, strategies in direct approach are strive for mastery, put the words and their definitions on individual cards, say they words aloud, and compose sentences with the words you are studying. Strategies in indirect approach are read a series of text on a related topics, guess they meaning of words from context and break up the word into components.
 The second differences are the focus in learning. Direct approach makes student focus on their attention in learning words in lists various vocabulary exercises. Indirect approach makes student focus on performance some other language task, such as conveying or trying to understand a spoken or written message.
Direct and indirect approach: different, yet alike. Both of the ways are effective in learning vocabulary. Furthemore, there are big differences in strategies and the focus in vocabulary learning.